Unveil the timeless elegance of our luxurious hand bouquet featuring 27 captivating red roses and 3 pristine white roses, wrapped in a bold black wrap that exudes sophistication and charm. Each red rose symbolizes deep love and passion, while the white roses bring a touch of purity and innocence, creating a stunning harmony of emotions. This bouquet is perfect for expressing love, admiration, or heartfelt gratitude on any occasion.
At Bloomsward, we believe in crafting not just bouquets but heartfelt messages through flowers. Every rose is handpicked from the finest farms to ensure impeccable freshness and unmatched quality. Our skilled florists arrange this masterpiece to perfection, making it an unforgettable gift.
Enjoy the convenience of same-day flower delivery in Riyadh with Bloomsward, the best online flower shop in Riyadh, where elegance meets excellence.
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