These 60 roses bouquet will cheer their heart more than anything else. The vibrant roses are beautifully tied to create a pretty bountiful hand bouquet. White & Pink floral arrangements get attention in all environments, making them a top choice for large gathering spaces, where people do not want the floral decor to fade into the background.
Roses are known to symbolize friendship and caring. They are perfect to send your congratulations and warmest wishes too
At Bloomsward, we understand the importance of fresh flowers. Our blooms are handpicked from the finest local and international farms to ensure they reach you in pristine condition. Each bouquet is meticulously arranged by our expert florists to capture the essence of nature's beauty.
We are the best online flower store in Riyadh, providing you with the highest quality flowers and exceptional service to ensure your gift arrives in perfect condition and on time.
Crafted by Bloomsward Team
Handcrafted bespoke just for you
Made fresh on the day it arrives
Personally delivered by hand
DELIVERY NOTE: Every order is hand-delivered. Due to nature, substitutions may apply depending on product availability. We will always keep the same look or feel of the arrangement or design selected.
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